This very easy recipe of Saikyo miso and mirin is used for marinating fish, in this case, gindara (black cod). It does not need to be smothered or swimming in the marinade, just enough to cover the fish on top and bottom. A cheesecloth is used so that the fish soaks in the marinade and is easier to grill without scorching. We usually leave this in the fridge for 48 hours for best results.
Saikyo Miso Marinade 西京みそ漬け
This very easy recipe of Saikyo miso and mirin is used for marinating fish, in this case, gindara (black cod). It does not need to be smothered or swimming in the marinade, just enough to cover the fish on top and bottom. A cheesecloth is used so that the fish soaks in the marinade and is easier to grill without scorching. We usually leave this in the fridge for 48 hours for best results.