Kabutoyaki - Grilled Fish Heads

One of the easiest fish dishes to grill up is kabutoyaki or fish heads. Simply season with salt and grill. The photo above is of tai or sea bream, the flesh which is delicate and light on the palate.

For a meatier fish, try hamachi or buri (Japanese amberjack). This fatty fish will drip a lot of fat while cooking so just be careful for the flame and smoke.

In Japanese supermarkets fish heads are often for sale. I have seen it at Japanese or Chinese markets in the USA. Or, if you have a good fishmonger, ask him to save some heads for you.

And, be sure to dig around with your chopsticks and get every little nugget and piece that you can find when eating this. I usually give up pretty quickly and I am always amazed at how much more Shinji can dig up once I am done with a piece.

Garnish it with some lemon or ponzu. And, I love having this with a glass of shochu on the rocks.