Hijiki Chikuwa Nimono ひじき竹輪煮物

One more attempt to get out of our routine of hijiki nimono made with abura-age. This time with chikuwa. Our last version was made with Satsuma-age fish cakes (recipe).

The major difference between chikuwa and Satsuma-age is that chikuwa is toasted while Satsuma-age is fried. This chikuwa comes from a popular brand called Kibun that is also sold outside of Japan.

After reconstituting the me-hijiki (bud hijiki).

30 grams hijiki
2 slices chikuwa (toasted fish cakes)
100 grams carrots, julienned
vegetable oil

2 Tbsp. sake
1 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
2 Tbsp. mirin
salt to taste
Rehydrate the hijiki in water for 5 minutes. Then quickly blanch in boiling water and strain. Julienne the carrots and cut the chikuwa into thin slices.

In a saute pan add a little bit of vegetable oil and cook the hijiki, chikuwa, and carrots until the carrots over medium heat until the carrots start to soften. Add the sake, sugar, soy sauce, mirin, and salt to taste to the pan. Put a lid on the pan and simmer for about ten minutes or until the vegetables are cooked. Be careful to watch the pan so that the sauce does not evaporate completely. If the carrots do not soften, add a small amount of water or dashi and continue to cook.

Serve at room temperature. Will keep in the fridge for about five days.