Kiriboshi Daikon Furikake

Kiriboshi daikon 切り干し大根  is something I always have in our pantry. Dried strips of daikon can be quickly reconstituted in water and is a simple way to add another vegetable dish to the table. 

However, I get into the routine of always making the same dish time after time. Kiriboshi daikon simmered with some carrots and abura-age (deep-fried tofu) in a sweet soy broth. Sometimes I'll switch out the abura-age for some Satsuma-age (deep-fried fish cakes). Good, but not an exciting change from our old ways.

Today I had just a little bit of kiriboshi daikon left in a packet. I quickly rehydrated it in water, squeezed it of excess water, and cut it into small pieces. In a pan I sauteed it with some sesame oil, toasted sesame seeds, and salt. It was a nice change-up from the typical nimono (simmered dish) we have. I had it as furikake over rice, but will try it next time over a salad.