Corn Rice

Growing up in Minnesota my summers were filled with corn. One summer I even had a part-time job detasseling corn. Most of the times we bought our corn directly from the farmers. Big paper bags of corn picked just hours before for only a few bucks. In Tokyo I am paying anywhere from one to two dollars for one ear of corn. It kills me and I don't have the luxury of eating ear after ear after ear of hot, buttered corn. 

Recently, at Den in Jimbocho, chef Zaiyu Hasegawa served corn and scallops cooked with rice. It was so delicious I knew I had to try and recreate it at home. I didn't have scallops at home so tried making it just with corn and loved it.

Simply slice the corn off the cob. Prepare the rice as you normally would at home. Then put into the rice cooker and add the corn. I also like to add a little bit of salt. And cook as usual. No need to add any extra water because of the corn. The corn cooks as the rice is steamed. After the rice and corn is cooked, stir it up with a rice paddle to incorporate the corn into the rice.